Is it beneficial to be depressed about things over which we have no control? or is it preferable to avoid depression by thinking positively and accepting reality? Pinky Bahross, a Turner syndrome sufferer from Gujarat, India, has experienced this crisis in her life.
Pinky Bahroos is a motivational speaker, poet, Division Director of Toastmasters and teacher at The Banyan Club. She worked as a Senior Sales Executive and is the author of the book “Finding The Chromosome x”.
Turner syndrome
It is a genetic disorder that affects 1 in every 2500 live-born females. It was caused by a partial or complete monosomy of the X chromosome. Patients may suffer from several conditions, including short stature, oestrogen deficiency, infertility, and a webbed neck.
Identifying the disease
According to her, she enjoyed her childhood as it was the best. When she was in seventh grade, her parents noticed that she was not growing physically. They took her to the hospital and underwent a series of tests, and was diagnosed with Turner syndrome. Pinky came across a thick brown file and started crying when she read about the disease.
Her parents consoled her. At that age, she was not mature enough to understand the severity of the disease. Over the years, she heard three things repeatedly: learn to be independent, study hard, and never marry.
Things worsen when her friends force her to call them ‘didi.’ She couldn’t compete with other girls her age because she was too weak.
College Days
Her college years were difficult because her friends excluded her from their conversations. Her younger sister’s marriage was a huge setback for her because her relatives queried about her marriage.

Phase Of Depression
She had gone through a phase of depression. But her family helped her to overcome it. The only thing that kept her out of her depression was a wish that her family would not suffer. She realised her mistakes and started a new life. She wanted to live for her family. Her attention shifted from what she lacked to whom she was. She considers the positive aspects of everything that comes her way.
A New Job
After graduating in Arts from Mumbai University, Pinky moved to Dubai to work in a travel agency. She enjoyed working there and was promoted to the sales department. She was having a good time until another threat came looking for her.
Diagnosed with Osteoporosis
Pinky experienced severe bone pain and was diagnosed with osteoporosis, also known as brittle bone disease. The doctor advised her to either quit his job or live in a wheelchair. Pinky relocated to Vadodara and sought part-time employment, eventually landing a position as an evening class teacher at the Banyan Club. She wrote poems whenever she had free time.
An effort to create awareness
She considered her health issues and raised awareness about Turner Syndrome sufferers in India. She used Google to gather information about the disease. She joined Toastmasters International to improve her communication and leadership skills.

Improving Skills
Pinky now organises events and has the opportunity to deliver and judge speeches as she joined Toastmasters International.
Seeking Assistance
She contacted Turner Syndrome Support Societies in the United States and the United Kingdom to find out how they got started. They introduced her to a Turner Syndrome Research Fellow at Harvard University who is coming to India for conferences next month. Pinky was invited to share her story on this special occasion.
Pinky Bahroos has always been an inspiration to others. Pinky had a strong belief in herself after going through a phase of depression. She entered into a new world of positivity and was ready to accept who she was. Then she creates a beautiful life with an aura of positivity and motivates others through her life and speeches. She encourages everyone to cherish every moment of their lives.
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